Palm Beach Gardens Divorce Attorney & Florida Legal Services

Navigating Divorce in Florida: Your Guide to Understanding the Process


Going through a divorce in the legal system can be emotionally and financially draining. The process often involves complex procedures and navigating unfamiliar court environments. Emotions run high, exacerbating communication challenges between estranged partners. The length of proceedings can prolong uncertainty and strain relationships further. We understand that the legal system's formalities and paperwork can feel overwhelming, especially amidst personal turmoil. Divorce tests emotional resilience and requires patience and support to navigate effectively–that’s why we’re here to help.

Your Experienced Local Divorce Advocate

With over 20 years of family law experience, Cindy A. Crawford is your experienced Palm Beach Gardens divorce attorney. Cindy and her team have earned a reputation for their commitment to achieving fair and favorable outcomes for our clients in divorce and dissolution of marriage cases. Their experience spans all aspects of family law, from property division to child support and timesharing, ensuring that everyone receives personalized attention and strategic legal representation tailored to their unique circumstances.

If you’re looking for a local, dedicated Palm Beach Gardens divorce lawyer to help you navigate the complexities of divorce with confidence and clarity, Cindy and her team are the right fit for you and your case. If you're facing the challenging prospect of ending your marriage, you're not alone. At The Law Office of Cindy A. Crawford, we understand the emotional and legal hurdles that come with divorce. Led by Cindy’s experience and compassion, our team is here to provide you with the guidance and support you need during this critical time.

Property Division (Equitable Distribution)

An Overview of Dissolution of Marriage in Florida

Divorce, or dissolution of marriage as it is formally called, is a legal process through which a marriage is formally terminated. In Florida, this process involves several steps designed to address the division of assets and liabilities, determination of alimony, and arrangements for parental responsibility, child timesharing, and support.

In Florida, the dissolution of marriage process begins with one spouse filing a Petition for Dissolution of Marriage with the court. The filing spouse must meet residency requirements (i.e., they have been residing in Florida for at least 6 months prior to filing)  and state that the marriage is irretrievably broken. Florida is a no-fault state, meaning that any partner can petition for a divorce without needing to allege or prove any wrongdoing by the other party. Once a Petition for Dissolution is filed, the other spouse has the opportunity to respond. Whether you are looking for someone to file on your behalf and initiate proceedings, or respond to a spouse’s action, finding the right Palm Beach Gardens divorce attorney will be essential.

Having experienced legal representation during a divorce is crucial to navigating the complexities of Florida's divorce laws and ensuring that your rights and interests are protected. It is important to do research and find the knowledgeable guidance and advocacy to help you achieve a fair and equitable resolution while minimizing conflict and stress and find the right Palm Beach Gardens divorce attorney for you.

In Florida, under most circumstances, property acquired during the marriage is subject to equitable distribution, which means it should be divided fairly but not necessarily equally between the spouses. Marital property typically includes assets and debts accumulated during the marriage. This includes real estate properties, vehicles, boats, artwork, currency, and copyrights among other things. Non-marital property typically includes assets acquired before the marriage or through inheritance or gifts. Even if you don’t think you have an overly complex list of assets, it will be beneficial to find a knowledgeable Palm Beach Gardens divorce lawyer to represent your interests.

In order to have a comprehensive understanding of the property division, please visit our Equitable Distribution & Property Division resource page.

Spousal Alimony (Support)

The purpose of alimony is to provide financial support to a spouse who is economically dependent on the other spouse during or after divorce. It aims to address disparities in earning capacity and standard of living that may arise from the marriage. 

When determining alimony awards, Florida courts consider factors such as the length of the marriage, each spouse's financial resources and earning capacity, contributions to the marriage, and the standard of living established during the marriage. An experienced Palm Beach Gardens divorce attorney will be able to argue as many of these factors in your favor to ensure the fairest and most beneficial award of alimony for you. Florida recognizes several types of alimony, each serving different purposes based on the financial needs and circumstances of the spouses. The types of alimony that may be awarded in a divorce action include temporary alimony, bridge-the-gap alimony, rehabilitative alimony, and durational alimony. Beginning in 2023, Florida no longer has permanent alimony.

In order to have a comprehensive understanding of alimony, please visit our Alimony & Spousal Support resource page.

Child Support, Timesharing, and Parenting Plans

Whenever children are involved, a parenting plan is required by Florida law. The parenting plan is a document that outlines how parents will share the responsibilities and decision-making for their child or children after a divorce. It also involves detailed information about time-sharing (formerly known as “custody”) of the minor child or children. Whenever minor children are involved, courts focus on the best interests of the child, promoting stability, continuity, and a nurturing environment post-divorce.

Timesharing arrangements prioritize the best interests of the child, considering factors such as parental fitness, and stability. Parents may be awarded shared parental responsibility or sole parental responsibility, depending on what serves the child's best interest.  Courts presume that 50-50 timesharing is in the best interest of the child, awarding each parent an equal amount of overnights with the child unless the court finds it is detrimental to the child. If you have concerns about timesharing, contact a Palm Beach Gardens divorce lawyer for further assistance to help with the intricacies of these matters and offer professional advice.

Child support in Florida is calculated using statutory guidelines that consider each parent's income, childcare expenses, health insurance costs, timesharing arrangements, and other relevant factors. The goal is to ensure that children receive financial support that reflects their needs and the financial capabilities of both parents. Courts adhere to the concept that child support is the right of the child, emphasizing that child support payments are intended to directly benefit the child rather than the parents to whom it is paid.

In order to have a comprehensive understanding of child-related matters, please visit our Parenting & Timesharing and our Child Support & Enforcement resource pages.

Benefits of Alternative Dispute Resolution

Not everything needs to be a fight. Mediation and collaborative divorce offer significant benefits for couples seeking to resolve disputes amicably:

  • Reduced Conflict: These processes promote open communication and cooperation, minimizing the emotional and financial costs associated with litigation.

  • Control Over Decisions: Parties maintain control over the outcome of their divorce agreements, fostering mutually beneficial agreements.

  • Efficiency: Mediation and collaborative divorce often result in faster resolutions compared to traditional litigation.

Attorneys play a crucial role in mediation and collaborative divorce by providing legal guidance, advocating for their clients' interests, and ensuring that agreements reached are fair and enforceable. The team at The Law Office of Cindy A. Crawford will not only advocate for your interests in the courtroom through litigation but can also provide level-headed advice and support to guide you through a successful mediation or collaborative process.

In order to have a comprehensive understanding of alternative dispute resolution, please visit our Divorce Mediation resource page.

Domestic Violence and Divorce

For individuals experiencing domestic violence, seeking a divorce can be particularly challenging and dangerous. Legal protections, such as obtaining injunctions and protective orders and ensuring safety during divorce proceedings, are critical. When finding representation, it’s essential to find an attorney who is committed to helping victims of domestic violence navigate the legal system with sensitivity and urgency to ensure their safety and well-being. With two former prosecutors as part of the team, you can rest assured that The Law Office of Cindy A. Crawford will fiercely advocate for your safety and well-being. 

In order to have a comprehensive understanding of domestic violence and divorce, please visit our Domestic Violence & Protection resource page.

Retaining The Law Office of Cindy A. Crawford

Navigating divorce is a complex and emotionally charged process, but with the right legal representation and support, you can navigate it successfully. Choosing The Law Office of Cindy A. Crawford for your family law and divorce needs offers a personalized experience that sets them apart. With Cindy’s team, you receive dedicated one-on-one attention, ensuring your concerns are heard and addressed with individualized and customized care.

Cindy and her team’s extensive knowledge and experience in family law, specifically in handling divorces span over many years. This focused practice means you benefit from insights and strategies honed through handling a wide range of complex situations.

Cindy's approach is client-centered, emphasizing compassionate guidance and steadfast support throughout the legal process. She and her team understand the emotional challenges that can accompany family law matters and strives to provide not only legal expertise but also empathy and understanding.

Whether you are navigating divorce proceedings, seeking fair alimony arrangements, or addressing post-divorce modifications, The Law Office of Cindy A. Crawford offers a reassuring presence backed by a solid reputation for achieving favorable outcomes. Our commitment to each client's unique needs ensures that you receive the attention and advocacy necessary to move forward with confidence during challenging times.

If you’re looking for a locally known and trusted Palm Beach Gardens divorce attorney, set up a consultation today by submitting the form below or calling our office to speak to a team member at 561-894-9050.

Feel free to browse our other pages and resources for more insights into family law and legal tips, including Dissolution of Marriage, Divorce Mediation, Child Support, and Equitable Distribution. For more information about Cindy and her team, visit Meet the Team.

To stay in touch, follow us on social media!

@thelawofficeofcindycrawford on Instagram

@CindyCrawfordLaw on Facebook

Note: This post is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as legal advice. For personalized legal guidance, please consult with one of our qualified attorneys.

Frequently Asked Questions about
Timesharing and Parental Responsibility

  • To file for dissolution of marriage, you must be a resident of Florida for at least 6 months prior to filing and file the necessary paperwork, including a Petition for Dissolution of Marriage, in the appropriate county.

  • Florida follows equitable distribution laws, which means marital property is divided fairly, though not always equally, between spouses. Non-marital property is retained by the individual who owns it.

  • Florida offers several types of alimony, including temporary, bridge-the-gap, rehabilitative, and durational. The type awarded depends on the specific circumstances of the case.

  • Child “custody” is now known as timesharing in Florida. It is determined based on the best interests of the child. Factors include the parents' ability to care for the child, the child’s relationship with each parent, and the child's home and school environment.

  • Yes, if both parties agree on all terms, an uncontested divorce can be filed, and the Final Judgment of Dissolution of Marriage can be entered without appearing in court.

  • In a contested divorce, the spouses disagree on one or more issues, such as property division, alimony, or child issues, which must be resolved by the court. In an uncontested divorce, both parties agree on all terms.

  • The time frame varies depending on whether the divorce is contested or uncontested. An uncontested divorce can be finalized in a matter of weeks, while a contested divorce can take several months or longer. 

  • No, Florida is a no-fault divorce state, meaning you do not need to prove wrongdoing by either spouse. You only need to show that the marriage is irretrievably broken.

  • Yes, you can request a name change as part of the divorce proceedings.